What could be better than our beautiful multi-coloured bouquet of long stem roses. This gorgeous, bouquet of premium long stem colour roses is accented with seasonal greenery in a vase. Rose colours and varieties will vary based on seasonal availability.
2 Doz Roses Shown in Picture
At times some flower varieties pictured may be unavailable due to seasonal conditions. AVANE will always take utmost care to ensure the final product is similar in quality to the requested item. Substitutions and alterations to the style of a product will be of similar quality and value. One of our fabulous florists will contact you if the selection is too different or unavailable.
Same Day Delivery please place your order online by 3pm Weekdays. Saturday delivery can delivery can be organised in advance. We do not deliver on a Sunday, except for Occasions such as Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. Check out our delivery information or call us if you have any questions.